If Costa Rica’s professional surf scene had an A-team, it would look something like this: Carlos Muñoz, Jair Pérez, Noe Mar McGonagle, Gilbert Brown, Anthony Fillingim, Luis Vindas, Leilani McGonagle, Lisbeth Vindas, and Nataly Bernold. The nine top surfers seem to shuffle places between being national champions and taking the top five slots at any...Read More
While massage may have developed a reputation as an indulgence for people who love pampering, studies reveal that it has wide-reaching, evident health benefits, according to an article in the Wall Street Journal. Research over the past few years has found that massage therapy boosts immune function in women with breast cancer, improves symptoms in...Read More
Fifty-three tourism companies in Costa Rica have agreed to uphold the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). At the 55th meeting of the Commission of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) for the Americas, held for the first time in Costa Rica from May 13-15, 2013, the national...Read More
Leading climatologists are calling on world leaders to take better action to control climate change after carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were measured at a disturbingly record-breaking high last month. The Earth System Research Laboratory, belonging to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on Mauna Loa Volcano in Hawaii, measured its daily...Read More
My front door is starting to stick. The kitchen cupboards under the sink now won’t close, and my bedroom door is suddenly dragging across the floor tile. Is my house in need of repair? No, it’s just rainy season in Costa Rica. In the tropics, water and humidity play a major role in daily life....Read More
Tropical forests cover 15% of the globe’s surface and capture 25% of the carbon present in the atmosphere. These healthy forests play a critical role in curbing climate change. They “breathe” CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in trees and soil; in fact, roughly half of the world’s terrestrial carbon is stored in forests,...Read More
The world’s environmental grades have been posted by Yale University. So, which countries are really “walking the talk” with their national environmental policies and actions? European nations are at the top of the world class, with a lone contender from the Americas – Costa Rica, placing 5th best in the world for its environmental performance,...Read More
Would you be happier living in a greener area? A UK study says you would. New research from the University of Exeter Medical School and the European Centre for Environment & Human Health in England has found that “people living in urban areas with more green space tend to report greater well-being than city dwellers...Read More
Esta ha sido una interrogante a la que se le han dedicado muchas horas de estudio. Tanto profesionales de las Ciencias Sociales como los entendidos de la Economía han deliberado al respecto. Cabe recordar que hace más de siglo y medio el británico Adam Smith intentó darle respuesta al asunto con su obra «La Riqueza...Read More
El piragüismo o canotaje es un deporte acuático que se practica sobre una embarcación ligera. Por norma general, la canoa se fabrica en diversos materiales: fibra de vidrio o plástico (para los aficionados); y fibras de kevlar o de carbono (para los profesionales). Para impulsarse se emplean remos empujados por una, dos o cuatro personas....Read More
For Costa Rica Tourism Minister Allan Flores, the news of more and more international airlines announcing new routes or more flights to Costa Rica shows the huge success of efforts by the Costa Rican National Tourism Board to attract more airlines and flights to the country from Costa Rica’s key international tourism markets. “This news...Read More
Most surfers are probably already aware that the practice of Yoga results in great benefits for the physical body and beyond. Yoga increases mental clarity and our ability to concentrate with intention on specific goals and desires. The breathing techniques used in this ancient science are amazing for increasing lung capacity, while helping to lengthen...Read More
Costa Rica surfer Carlos Muñoz has made it to the top 10 in the Junior Men’s World Ranking of the Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP). The 20-year-old rising star surfer is currently tied at ninth place in the world in the Junior Men’s Division with eight other surfers from Australia, Hawaii, Brazil, USA and Japan....Read More
Jaco surfers dominated Costa Rica’s Third Olympus National Surfing Competition for 2013, the MAUI Cup, last week at Jaco Beach. Top Jaco surfers Jair Pérez and Lisbeth Vindas respectively won the Men’s and Women’s Open Titles in the third Costa Rica Surf Federation national circuit competition, sponsored by energy drink company Adrenaline Rush. The surf...Read More
The new wildly popular “Author’s Cuisine” culinary movement that originated in Spain over a decade ago is not simply cuisine by the “author” or chef who cooked it. “Author’s Cuisine” is a vanguard of culinary arts favored by Spanish and other European chefs who are praised for their creativity. Dishes incorporate unusual textures, aromas, and...Read More
Costa Rica’s 2012 “Christmas Bird Count” at Veragua Rainforest Research & Adventure near Limon scored great success. A historic number of 417 different bird species, and 12,665 individual birds, were identified in a 24-hour period – the highest number registered in Central America for the annual bird count. Beginning at 12:00 a.m. on December 5...Read More
Take a deep breath. Now imagine your lung capacity reduced by one-fifth. Find it a bit harder to breathe? What if that lessens? Now take your focus out to a global view, and you have a clear picture of what is happening in the Amazon Rainforest. The Amazon is the largest contiguous tropical forest in...Read More
Do you like to work out in your hotel’s gym when you’re away? If you happen to be staying in Denmark’s Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers, keeping fit while traveling will help generate the hotel’s electricity and earn you meal vouchers in their restaurant. The flagship eco-hotel is the first hotel in Denmark to generate all...Read More
While the rest of the northern surfing world is gearing up for snowboarding for the winter, Costa Rica is heating up for the 2012-2013 summer season. Sunny days, blue skies and dry trade winds are soon headed our way … ideal for surf vacations! Look your best and get the most stoke with the latest...Read More
Tourism all over the world is on the upswing. World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) statistics show that the number of international tourists around the world grew nearly 5% during the first six months of 2012, as compared to the same period in 2011. Despite lingering worries over the global economy, international tourism is bouncing back. A...Read More
Earthquakes in Costa Rica, like the rest of the Americas and Asia along the “Ring of Fire,” happen all the time. Of course, most usually aren’t as strong as yesterday’s 7.6-magnitude earthquake that occurred at 8:42 a.m. along the Pacific Coast of the Nicoya Peninsula. The quake’s epicenter was 6.3 kilometers (almost four miles) south...Read More
A quick Google search on “the importance of relaxing” yields 49,100,000 results in 0.30 seconds. Apparently, a lot of people, everywhere, think it really is important. I know what you’re thinking, “I already know this.” The thing is we all do. And yet, most of us don’t heed the wisdom. We work, do, be in...Read More
This year’s Costa Rica National Surfing Championship Finals promises to be one of the hottest surfing events of the year. For the first time ever, seven of Costa Rica’s top male surfers – all of whom are very close in points so far for the season – are vying board to board for the national...Read More
Congratulations to Costa Rican Chef Randy Siles and the staff at Hotel Tropico Latino in Playa Santa Teresa! The star chef and the hotel’s Shambala Restaurant were featured in a key article edition of Costa Rica’s important cuisine magazine “Sabores.” The full-page article features Siles’ fusion style called “Author’s Cuisine” – a free-style way of...Read More