Electric bikes are a great way to explore international destinations. This is especially true when you aren’t comfortable with driving a car around high traffic areas in a place that you are unfamiliar with or if there is a lot of terrain that you want to cover in a short amount of time. When visiting a place like Costa Rica, electric bikes are easy to rent, easy to charge, and great for sightseeing. There are tours that you can take via electric bike and maps highlighting tourist attractions.

Article by Conner Flynn
The Benefits of Using an Electric Bike
Electric bikes are great for traveling in areas where you aren’t 100% sure of the terrain. They will save you from fatigue when walking on foot, as the electric bike has a motor that will do the hard work for you. If you take a wrong turn, you won’t have to backtrack on foot and be exhausted by the time you reach your destination.
Additionally, electric bikes often stay charged for up to 60 miles. With the popularity of electric bikes in Costa Rica, there are plenty of places to charge your bike so that you can travel for hours and hours exploring and sightseeing. If you stop to eat, charge your bike. If you stop to shop, you can be sure there will be a place to charge up too.

Electric Bike Tours
Tours, in general, are a great way to learn about a city, state, or country that you are unfamiliar with and are visiting either for work or for pleasure. There are many electric bike tours around Costa Rica that can take you seaside or inland. You can explore exotic destinations as well as tourist attractions.
Tour guides know the best places to eat, shop and visit. They know about the area and can answer questions that you have for just about anything.
Often there are:
Trail tours: these highlight nature and wildlife;
Seaside tours: these talk about the history of the area, the founding fathers, and aquatic life;
Downtown tours: downtown tours are awesome to learn about the nightlife, areas to visit (and avoid), and historical landmarks.

Renting an Electric Bike
Most people don’t travel with their electric bike; it’s just not worth the hassle. When you are traveling, finding a place that rents electric bikes is a great find.
While you may pay a premium for renting the bike and additional insurance or deposits, it is typically well worth the expense. The hotel or resort you are staying in can help you find a reputable place to rent equipment that won’t leave you stranded in a foreign country. Costa Rica is a country that has great bike rental places at an affordable cost.

Exciting Destinations
If you find yourself looking for a particularly exciting destination on your trip, visit the Hotel Hacienda Guachipelin. Located in the Guanacaste province next to the Rincon de la Vieja National Park, the hotel offers amazing tours.
Some of the tours include:
- Archeological
- Butterfly and Frog Exhibit
- Canyon Canopy Zip Line Tour
- La Cangreja, Las Chorreras, and Oropendola waterfalls
- Rio Negro Hot Springs
- Electric mountain bike tour
Choose a Bike
Many bike rental places have a variety of different bikes to choose from. You can get a standard electric bike, typically referred to as a sport model. There are also higher classes of bikes, such as all-terrain, hard tail, and tandem bikes.
Many places also don’t limit you to just a few hours. Some places will rent you an electric bike for up to a month, for those with extended travel plans or temporary residency.
Should you find yourself in Costa Rica, be sure to take advantage of the numerous places that have electric bikes for rent, the charging stations, and the tours that you can take via electric bike. The use of an electric bike will make your trip all the more memorable and enjoyable. You can learn more about electric bikes here, as well as other fun gadgets.