The beautiful oceanfront setting at Pranamar in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica, is certainly an inspiring spot to begin a meditation practice. There are endless types of meditation and techniques, the main objective is to quiet your mind, which is easier said than done. As with most things worth doing, practice makes perfect. Be kind to yourself, and read on for some tips to get you on your way.
Turn off the TV, your phone, maybe light a candle. Whatever makes your surroundings relaxing tidy and unencumbered, be it inside or outdoors. Check the temperature, ventilation, light, and block out sounds. If you’d like to add a few objects that bring you joy and inspiration, place them on a small table close to you. This process will become part of your daily ritual.

A classic sun salutation sequence will warm and align your muscles. Relax your body and start to focus your attention on your breath, a basic component of meditation. Once you are ready to begin, sit cross legged or on a chair with your back straight.
Focus your attention on the movement your body makes as you inhale and exhale, your abdomen moving in and out. The 4-4-4-4 method is a good way to start. Breathe in for count of 4, hold breath for 4, breathe out for 4 and hold for 4 before you start again. Inward breath brings you joy and love and positivity, outward breath releases negativity and frustration.
Many find that the repetition of sounds or phrases help them avoid distractions. “Om”, meaning “It is” or “To Become” in Sanskrit, is a simple and powerful one. Its vibration is thought to bind you to a universal consciousness, manifesting your intentions in the physical world. It is used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other traditions.
Setting an intention for your meditation every day will allow for a deeper consciousness. What would you like to accomplish on that specific day? With time, you will be able to live a more heartfelt and intuitive life, versus going through the motions every day.

Article by Katie Widdowson