Many vacationers want to give back while traveling to the communities they visit. In Santa Teresa, Costa Rica, two top hotels share a heartfelt initiative that makes it easy for their guests to feel good about supporting the community there. Hotel Tropico Latino and Florblanca Hotel implement the “$5 Check Out Program” that allows their...Read More
Summertime in the popular beach town of Santa Teresa, Costa Rica means it’s time to hang out on the beach soaking in the sun and playing in the beautiful blue Pacific Ocean. It’s a great time to have fun with family and friends on a Costa Rica beach vacation. On the southern Nicoya Peninsula, Santa...Read More
They arrive literally in waves, slowly hauling their heavy bodies out of the ocean and up the beach. They wait for the high tide at night, using the high surf to propel them farther up the sand, and the protection of darkness against predators to dig their nests and lay their eggs. Thousands upon thousands,...Read More